
Conflict Watchlist 2024 17 January 2024

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Contributing for the debate on the two nations' coexistence  
No seguimento de um artigo previamente publicado sobre a mesma temática. Following on from a previously published article on the same subject. It is published in word format to facilitate translation into another language. A diplomacia informal na guerra da Ucrânia Os processos conducentes à obtenção de soluções mutuamente aceitáveis pelas partes envolvidas em conflitos, envolvem, normalmente, a participação de vários tipos de atores e de iniciativas diplomáticas complementares, para além da diplomacia formal/oficial designada por Track One Diplomacy (T1D), aquela que envolve os representantes oficiais das fações, que com a sua assinatura veiculam as partes aos termos dos acordos por estas celebrados. Referimo-nos, por exemplo, à negociação e à mediação. Paralelamente à diplomacia oficial decorrem normalmente iniciativas diplomáticas não oficiais, de diversos contornos, como a Track Two Dipl

Informal diplomacy could play a role in ending the war in Ukraine

Imagem         In the book  “The Last Politician,”  President Biden is quoted explaining diplomacy as a version of family dynamics — “emotional intelligence applied to people with names that were sometimes difficult to pronounce.” If Biden is correct, that means trying to negotiate an end to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is going to be like dealing with the most obnoxious, hard-headed, self-righteous family member. What I explain to my students in diplomacy and international relations courses is that we eed more non-military engagement with Russia. There are  reports  that a small, unofficial group of former diplomats and national security officials met recently with Russian officials, including Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Such interactions need to grow to include influential people acting in a non-official capacity, possibly leaders of non-governmental organizations, religio